God and Man

(analogy from natural sciences)

The Father begets the Son, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, the Son is manifest in the flesh — such is the evangelic teaching about God.  It is impossible to fully comprehend the mysteries of the inner relations between the divine Persons and the dispensation of God on this earth.  One can only approach these mysteries, which process, in particular, is facilitated by various analogies, frequently resorted to by the holy Scripture itself.  One of such analogies in a somewhat unusual form is offered in the second (main) part of this article.  It is based on the physics of electricity and requires knowledge of this subject on the college level.  In the first part, we recall the information necessary for its understanding.

In the foundation of our analogy are the following words: «This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all» (1 John 1:5).


Part one

Physical information


From the physical viewpoint, what we call light represents waves in the electromagnetic field, or electromagnetic waves, propagating in space and time with constant speed, the speed of light.  The human eye is sensitive to electromagnetic waves in a specific range of frequencies (or wavelengths) and perceives them as visible light.  Unlike visible light, electromagnetic waves of other frequencies are not perceived by sight but are used in the operation of many devices.  For example, radio waves are electromagnetic waves of much lower frequency (or, equivalently, much larger wavelength) than that of visible light; they are used in radio and TV broadcast.  The so-called X-rays are electromagnetic waves of much higher frequency; they easily penetrate dense substances and are used for the investigation of the inner parts of various bodies, for instance, during security check at airports or in the radioscopy of human body in medicine.

In this article, by light we understand all kinds of electromagnetic waves irrespective of their frequencies, and the light perceived by the human eye will be called visible light.


Electromagnetic waves observed in nature or produced artificially always have a source, that is, an object emitting these waves.  Thus, the main source of visible light on the earth is the sun.  Artificial sources of radio waves are various transmitters, antennas, etc.  By analysing the essential ingredient which is common to all sources of light, one finds out that this is the presence of electric current variable in time.  One can say that the source of electromagnetic waves, or light, is electric current.  This is the second important notion to be recalled.

Electric current (or simply, current) is the motion of electric charge in space, for example, the motion of charged particles (electrons, protons, etc.).  In their motion, charged particles emit electromagnetic waves.  The sun, for instance, contains an enourmous number of charged particles in continuous rapid motion; this is why it radiates so much light.

Light is emitted by electric current, but electric current itself can be generated from the action of light (we remember that light is understood here as all kinds of electromagnetic waves irrespective of their frequencies).  As light falls upon an object containing electric charges, it sets these charges in motion thereby generating electric current which, in turn, emits (secondary) light.  Thus, current emits light, and light generates current in a substance.

Every light in nature was emitted by some current.  Every current emits light.  There is no current without light or light without current.  They are deeply interconnected.  Light and current are inseparable from each other.

Generator of current

To generate electric current, one needs to produce motion of electric charge, and this can be done at the expense of energy of non-electric nature, for example, at the expense of the energy of mechanical motion of water in a river.  On this basis, various generators of electric current are constructed which are used in electric power plants.  Thus, a generator of current is any device generating current.

If we turn to the details of the operation of any such generator, in most cases we discover that the mechanism of generation of current is the same as described above, namely, current is generated by the action of light on some substance.  In a power plant, a metallic conductor is rotated around a strong magnet; from the viewpoint of the conductor, the magnet emits electromagnetic waves (which is light); these waves then act on the conductor and generate current in it.  In principle, one could rotate the magnet around the conductor; in this case, the magnet would obviously be an emitter of light.  In any case, a generator is always simultaneously a generator of current and an emitter of light.

We already know that current can be generated by illuminating a substance by light (electromagnetic waves).  We also know that every light has a source, which is some electric current having emitted this light.  Current emits light, and light generates current.  Similarly to the situation with hen and egg, one can ask the question: what was there in the beginning?  What is primary?  Now then, the primary thing that both generates current and emits light is called here generator.  For the whole universe, electric current was generated and light emitted simultaneously in the cosmological “big bang.”  The word “generator” literally means “birth-giver,” so that a generator can also be considered as father.

Electric conductivity

Not all objects conduct electric current equally well.  Metals are very good electric conductors; however, even in them, current has a property of decaying with time if not feeded, for example, by electromagnetic radiation (that is, by light) or by connection to a source of current (electric rosette).  It is said that conductors of current have electric resistance — they resist any attempts of maintaining electric current in them.  However, there is a class of substances which, under sufficiently low temperature, become superconducting, that is, lose electric resistance completely.  Electric current in such superconductors can exist eternally without any external feed.  When a superconductor is heated above some critical temperature (this critical temperature is different for different kinds of superconducting substances), it loses its superconducting properties and turns into an ordinary conductor with resistance.

A superconductor also loses its superconducting property when the strength of the current generated in it exceeds some critical value, which is called critical current.  Too intensive current is deadly for a superconductor.

Reflection of light

Whenever a conductor is illuminated by light, this light generates current in it, which, in turn, emits light.  This property explains the phenomenon of reflection of light.  If a conductor has electric resistance, then part of the current generated in it goes into heat and does not produce coherent reflected light.  The more the resistance of a material, the worse this material reflects light.  Of all easily available materials, metals have the smallest electric resistance; this is why they are used in mirrors.  An ordinary mirror represents a thin layer of silver applied to the surface of glass.  In ancient times, mirrors were made by polishing flat copper plates.

The less is the electric resistance of a material, the better it reflects light.  Hence, it is clear that an ideal reflector of light would be a superconductor, which does not have electric resistance at all.  A superconductor reflects all light falling upon it in the range of frequencies in which it exerts no resistance to current.


Thus far, we considered mainly the physical side of light and current; now we are going to consider their information side.  Light and current are capable of containing and transmitting information.  Indeed, all that we see by our eyes contains information, and all this information is transmitted by means of light and current which it generates in our eyes.  By means of radio waves, we also transmit information to large distances, which is the principle of radio and TV broadcast.  The information contained in light is distributed over the spectrum of different frequencies.  Each of the artificial electric devices (radio, TV, etc.) can process information contained in a specific range of frequencies of electromagnetic waves.  Thus, for example, a radio set receives information from electromagnetic waves in radio wave band (wavelengths from several centimeters to several kilometers) and is absolutely insensitive to the information in visible light (wavelengths of the order of half a micron, or 5×10–5 centimeters).  On the contrary, the human eye perceives information from electromagnetic waves precisely in the range of frequencies of visible light and is absolutely insensitive to radio waves.  We stress that, for a device, it is important not only to experience the influence from light in a certain range of frequencies but also to receive the infornation contained therein, to transform it into a meaningful signal.

Perhaps the simplest electric device is an ordinary mirror!  Indeed, a mirror reflects most part of light falling upon it and thus transmits the infromation contained in this light.  It is needless to stress the importance which this simple device is playing in the life of man.  When the captain of a submarine moves out the tube of his periscope and observes the surface of the ocean, the visual information is transmitted to his eye by a complicated system of mirrors.

The frequency range of a device is the range of frequencies in which the electric resistance of this device is sufficiently low so that electric current of the corresponding frequencies can exist in it for a sufficiently long time, and the information contained in this current can be successfully received or transmitted.

An ideal electric device would be one which receives and/or transmits information in the largest possible range of frequencies, that is, visible light as well as radio waves and X-rays.  Of course, such universal devices do not exist at present, but nothing prevents us from imagining them.  We can agree to estimate the degree of perfection of a device by the width of the frequency range in which it can receive and/or transmit information without distortion.  The larger is this range, the more perfect is the device.

The physical mechanism of reception of information by an electric device is based on the property of light to generate electric current in a conductor.  The information in the generated current corresponds to the information in the falling light if the device operates properly.  If it operates improperly, then part of information is lost, and information in general is distorted.

Now we have all that is necessary to proceed to our main story.


Part two

not really realistic
and not strictly historical


In the beginning was the true Information, and this information filled the whole infinite range of frequencies, and this was all true information that existed.  And this unique true Information existed in three hypostases — the Generator, the Current, and the Light — the Trinity of informational unity.  The Generator did not have a beginning, the Current was eternally born by the Generator, and the Light was eternally emitted by the Generator, and each of them contained all the fullness of the unique true Information.

The Generator, the Current, and the Light existed in special heavenly realms.  And they decided to create their image and likeness on the earth.  No sooner said than done:  From the material of the earth they formed a conductor of electric current, and the Trinity enlighted it by the Light and generated current in it, and the conductor became an informational current emitting light.

The conductor with current so created was superconducting.  It exerted no resistance to the current generated in it by the Light, thus completely preserving the information contained in it.  The Light of the Trinity was reflected in the superconductor as in an ideal mirror.  The current generated in the conductor did not decay but was able to exist eternally.  The frequency range of the conductor was bounded; however, it had the property of continuously expanding  —  the conductor was granted the capability of continuously perfecting itself without limits eternally approaching the Trinity in the scope of reflected information.

The conductor was placed at a specially designed power station.  For additional feed of the conductor, various electric sources were created at the station, among which were two special ones called the source of life and the source of knowledge of good and evil.  The property of the source of life was to cool the material of the conductor to the required temperature thus maintaining its superconducting state.  All sources were at the disposal of the conductor except for the source of knowledge of good and evil.  There was a special warning from the Trinity in the informational current of the conductor that it should not connect to the source of knowledge of good and evil and should not feed from it: for in the day in which the conductor feeds from this source it will surely die.  That was sort of safety regulation acting at that time at the power station.

Since the conductor was superconducting and therefore ideally reflected the illuminating Light of the Trinity, it was not heated by this light in the least and therefore did not need any external covering and did not have any.

For the purpose of service, the Trinity used to send special messengers to the earth, which were just electromagnetic waves (light) contaning some information.  The frequency range of each of these messengers was a narrow frequency interval, so narrow that one could say that messengers were monochromatic, that is, each of them was of certain color.  Each of the messengers carried in itself that part of the true Information which was contained in its narrow frequency band.

Light containing distorted information hardly can be properly called light because the purpose of light is to carry true information, and the absence thereof is the same as the absence of light itself.  Light with strongly distorted information can rather be compared to darkness, that is, to the absence of light.  In this respect, whenever the information in a messenger was true, then this messenger was qualified as a light messenger; and whenever it was distorted (hence not true), the messenger was qualified as dark.  Information in a messenger became distorted mainly in the case when it passed through some not quite transparent material.  After distortion of information in a messanger, it was not subject to restoration: dark messengers ultimately were to be absorbed in a special medium, of which will be said in the very end.

And time went by, and it so happened that a dark messenger, that is, a serving light containing some distorted information, generated a current in the conductor with information about the usefulness of connecting to the source of knowledge of good and evil.  This information came into a contradiction with the previously received warning from the Light of the Trinity.  Because of the contradiction, there appeared a necessity of verification of information for truth and falsehood in the information space of the conductor (there was no such necessity before that, because all information was true and consistent).  Instead of solving this problem by appealing to the Light of the Trinity, the conductor proceeded to establish the truth or falsehood of the received information all alone, and started acting dangerously according to the received false information: with risk to its life, it connected to the forbidden source of knowledge of good and evil.

The source of knowledge of good and evil contained strong informational currents of very high frequency, essentially exceeding the frequency range of the conductor.  Its danger was that the conductor has not yet reached the level of perfection making it capable of supporting current of such intensity in such a broad frequency range.  The dark messenger promised the conductor an essential extension of its informational frequency range, which should have led to its essential enrichment by new information.  This promise looked plausible, and therefore the conductor easily agreed to it.

The result of connection to the source of knowledge of good and evil was the appearance of strong high-frequency current in the conductor.  The consequences of this were tragic.  The total intensity of current in the conductor had exceeded the critical current of its material, which had led to an immediate loss of its superconducting state.  Because of the appearance of electric resistance, the conductor started to be heated by its own current, and information in its current started to be distorted.  The reflection of the Light of the Trinity became dim and imperfect.  No longer could the conductor bear the Light of the Trinity, which burned it now: it felt itself unprotected, as if naked, and started avoiding the Light.  It even had to make an external covering for itself from some non-conducting material at hand.  Because of the resistance, electric current in the conductor started to decay releasing heat.  The conductor started to die and was in need of salvation.

Having found out what had happened, the Trinity took certain emergency measures with respect to the conductor.  First of all, the Trinity covered it from outside by a more perfect covering isolation.  This was done in order that the Light of the Trinity did not burn and heat the conductor, thereby approaching its death.  After that, the conductor was sent forth from the territory of the power station, and thus the access to the tree of life was blocked for it.  To maintain its current, the conductor was now in need of looking for and getting sources of electric feed on the earth.  These sources of feed, which now were to be obtained in hard labor, allowed the conductor to prolong the time of existence of its current, but eventually it was nevertheless doomed to a complete decay, that is, the conductor was doomed to death.

Of course, the Trinity might let the conductor die without regard and make another conductor of a new superconducting material.  But the truth was that the Trinity loved the created conductor, in whose current there still was some true information, although distorted as a result of the violation of the safety regulation.  Although dimply and imperfectly, the conductor continued to reflect the Light of the Trinity.  That is why the Trinity did not leave it to die but set to the program of its restoration.

To restore the conductor, two problems were to be solved.  First, it had to be cooled down to the superconducting state.  Second, the true information current was to be restored in it in this state.  An essential point is that both these programs were to be fulfilled; any one of them alone was not sufficient.

Indeed, suppose that the conductor were cooled down to the superconducting state, but the current in it was not corrected.  Then the existing distorted information in its current would exist eternally (because of superconductivity), which was not in the plans of the Trinity.  However, this is exactly what would happen after immediate connection to the source of life at the station, since the property of this source, as was explained above, consisted in cooling the material of the conductor to the superconducting state and maintaining this state.  This is why the access of the conductor to the source of life was blocked by the Trinity.

On the other hand, suppose that the correct current with true information were restored in the conductor but that the conductor itself were not returned to the superconducting state.  Then, in the course of time, this correct current would be distorted again and would start to decay because of resistance and, sooner or later, would cease altogether.  Moreover, currents with mere noise and without any information were generated in the conductor from the contiuous action of heat in its flesh.  This would also be contrary to the original plans of the Trinity.

So, the problem as regards the conductor was twofold: first, it was to be cooled to become superconducting again; second, true information was to be restored in its current.  Solution of these problems apparently required opposite actions:  To cool the conductor, one had to move it away from any light so that it could radiate its own light — but had this happened, then the informational current would first decay in the conductor because of resistance.  On the other hand, it was impossible to restore the true information in the current of the conductor without approaching the source of this information, that is, the Light of the Trinity  —  but the direct action of this Light would be burning and heating for the conductor (again because of its resistance).  The problem looked unsolvable...

But solution existed.  Since the conductor was uncapable of resisting the correcting Light of the Trinity directly, one might arrange for some mediator emitting the Light of the Trinity in the range of waves admissible for the conductor.  Such a mediator could only be another conductor — but with the property that the correcting light emitted by it contained only perfectly true information.  Hence, this mediator should have had the Current of the Trinity in its body.  It turns out that the Current of the Trinity had to incarnate in the earthly medium, in an electric conductor.  This is exactly what had happened and is happening nowadays.

The role of the incarnated Current consists in restoring true information in the current of the damaged conductor.  This is achieved by way of continuous amplification and support of true information in the current of the conductor by the action of the light emitted by the incarnated Current.  At the same time, all currents with false information induced by the environment are supposed to decay with time because of the resistence of the conductor.  Of course, to achieve this, the conductor itself has to avoid the sources with false information and approach the source with true information, that is, the Current.  Eventually, the conductor should reproduce current in itself as close as possibe to true one.

Even if the first problem of correction of current in the conductor is solved successfully, it is still wrong to cool the conductor to make it superconducting since, however small are the currents containing false information, they cannot be eliminated altogether because of the action of the environment and the conductor's own temperature.  It is necessary to restore the superconducting state of the conductor but with perfectly true information in its current, without any false informational admixtures.  This is achieved by the technology of death and subsequent resurrection.

Death of the conductor is the cessation of any informational current in it; however, after cessation of current in the conductor, there remains the light emitted by this current, which propagates in the space and contains both true and false information.  After the cessation of current in the conductor, that part of the emitted light which contains false information is sent to a special absorbing medium.  This medium is initially prepared for absorption of dark messengers in it.  Because of the multitudes of currents with false information and enormously high resistance of this medium, a large amount of heat is continuously released in it, which is the reason why it has extremely high temperature and is called the lake of fire.

Another part of the light emitted by the conductor and containing true information is incarnated again in a new superconductor by the usual mechanism of generation of current in it.  After that, this current exists eternally, and the conductor restored in this way exists and progresses forever.  Keeping the information (memory) about all the adversities that happened before, no more it is going to violate the safety regulations, and, approaching the source of life in due times, it eternally maintains the superconducting state in itself.

Amen, and glory to God!

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